About Us

Established in 2020 to unite Baltics and Benelux and to foster connectivity between professionals and businesses.

How did it begin?

Meeting each other for a business and fun a group of  professionals and entrepreneurs from Baltics, who work and live in the Benelux countries, were exchanging and discussing their experiences in one region and comparing with another.

Many refer to Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia as the Baltic states. If you look from a global perspective, they are, indeed, tiny countries. It sounded reasonable to connect two relatively similar regions – Baltics and Benelux – with each other.

One day, the group of professionals and entrepreneurs realized that there is no dedicated space for people from the two relatively small, yet powerful regions to collaborate.

Very often discussions were accompanied by tasting the ‘bitterballen’ – the famous Dutch snack which always goes with a glass of wine or beer. If you live in The Netherlands and go to any conference or event, you are very unlikely to miss this ‘bitterballen’ moment.

Dutch people would say this is where the magic happens – new business relationships spring up, job opportunities emerge, and lasting friendships flourish.

After seeing those Dutch ‘bitterballen’ networking events, getting a feeling of them, and participating in them, professionals were triggered and a new initiative was activated.

Founded By

Jurga Baltram

Minds & Finds

Agne Nainyte

Digital Transformation Consultant, Schuberg Philis

Dominyka Venciūtė, PhD

Educator & Consultant, Founder, Persona Cognita

Linas Balciunas

Investment Manager

Come join our team

We are a lively and fully remote team with the mission to create a platform where good people meet to do good things together.

Come and join our team - a family of changemakers striving to make a difference, to build a better world, one project at a time, and to create a world we can all be proud of.

Purposeful organisations need purposeful people. Don't be shy - we're always on the lookout for awesome people to join us. Let us know what you've got! Email or get in touch with anyone from the team on Linkedin.

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We believe in the power of human connection

The best and most impactful ideas are born by working, learning, and interacting with each other and by embracing our differences and similarities. This is how we grow as humans and contribute to the development of our regions.

They say, ‘The sky is the limit.’ We share the same mindset in Baltics in Benelux. There are barely any boundaries that we feel could limit this organization, and no goals seem too ambitious.

Our Values


We see value in unity. Being built from a shared vision or a cause for the common good, unity makes big tasks seem easy.

Collaborative Growth

We are the strongest when we trust each other, pull in the same direction and do things together.


We believe good commitment begins with oneself. If you are more committed to yourself, you will be more concerned about the environment and the world.


We believe that if you value another person and their contribution, they can in turn value you and yours. Connection comes from engaging with others.

Join a go-to network for professionals and entrepreneurs from the Baltics and Benelux

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